AgriSolar Clearinghouse

Connecting businesses, land managers, and researchers with trusted resources to support the growth of co-located solar and sustainable agriculture

About AgriSolar

The AgriSolar Clearinghouse is an information-sharing, relationship-building, public communications hub for all things agrisolar. The AgriSolar Clearinghouse:

  • Connects farmers, graziers, developers, researchers, and the public,
  • Collaborates on sustainable agrisolar opportunities,
  • Provides practical technical assistance, 
  • Develops best practices and innovative solutions, and
  • Celebrates the agrisolar community.
The co-location of solar and agriculture is a climate solution that can save water, build the soil, produce healthy, high-yielding crops, increase pollinator habitat, provide new income for existing farms and land access to beginning farmers, and improve the resilience of rural communities.
“There’s a wonderful space here where we can all work together and we can do this to the mutual benefit of the land and of energy.” — Dr. Stacie Peterson, NCAT Energy Services Director.

Watch our new short film, Harvesting the Sun, now!

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The Latest

AgriSolar News Roundup: Agrivoltaic Projects Funded in France and Germany, Experts Say Solar Drives Agriculture Growth, Agrisolar Enhances Biodiversity in England 

100 MW of Agrivoltaic Projects Awarded to Alphatracker in France and Germany  “Alphatracker, a global provider of tracking solutions and fixed structures for solar installations on agricultural land, has been awarded agrivoltaic projects…

Best Practices in Agrisolar

Agrisolar is the co-location of agriculture and solar energy in a landscape. This guide covers the state-of-the-art best practices for growing crops, grazing, beekeeping, and creating pollinator habitat under and around solar arrays. A chief…

AgriSolar News Roundup: SETO AgriSolar Funding Announcement, DOE Funding Opportunity for AgriSolar, Hawaiian AgriSolar Research, AgriSolar Legislation in Czechia 

SETO Announces Funding Opportunity for Agrivoltaics  "The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) announced the Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits 2 (SolWEB2) funding opportunity, which will award…