AgriSolar Clearinghouse

Connecting businesses, land managers, and researchers with trusted resources to support the growth of co-located solar and sustainable agriculture

About AgriSolar

The AgriSolar Clearinghouse is an information-sharing, relationship-building, public communications hub for all things agrisolar. The AgriSolar Clearinghouse:

  • Connects farmers, graziers, developers, researchers, and the public,
  • Collaborates on sustainable agrisolar opportunities,
  • Provides practical technical assistance, 
  • Develops best practices and innovative solutions, and
  • Celebrates the agrisolar community.
The co-location of solar and agriculture is a climate solution that can save water, build the soil, produce healthy, high-yielding crops, increase pollinator habitat, provide new income for existing farms and land access to beginning farmers, and improve the resilience of rural communities.
“There’s a wonderful space here where we can all work together and we can do this to the mutual benefit of the land and of energy.” — Dr. Stacie Peterson, NCAT Energy Services Director.

Watch our new short film, Harvesting the Sun, now!

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Protected: Stakeholder Engagement in Agrisolar: Co-producing Optimal Outcomes [Draft]

Alexis Pascaris, National Renewable Energy Laboratory;Stacie Peterson, National Center for Appropriate Technology;Greg Plotkin, American Farmland Trust Advancing agrisolar outcomes that are socially acceptable, economically viable for both…

AgriSolar News Roundup: Canadian Agrotunnel Technology, Aquavoltaics in the Phillipines, Canadian Solar Grazing 

Indoor Agrotunnel System Produces Berries Year-Round in Canada  “Currently in its first full year of operation at the Environmental Sciences Western Field Station, the Western-led project combines a photovoltaic (solar panel) shielded…

AgriSolar News Roundup: NJ Agrisolar Study, France Agrisolar Rules, False Claims of Solar Dispelled, Agrisolar Peer-to-Peer Cohort, Ohio Agrisolar Project Largest in US 

New Jersey Farm Studies Agrisolar   “Rutgers University’s 170 kW agrivoltaic project on its farm on the Cook campus in New Brunswick, New Jersey features a vertical solar installation designed by California-based Sunstall.  The…

© 2024 The National Center for Appropriate Technology
Legal Disclaimer: The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government.