AgriSolar News Roundup: Oregon Agrisolar, Illinois Agrisolar Testing, Solar Grazing Productivity 

5,000 Sheep to Graze Two Solar Sites in Oregon 

Avangrid, member of the Iberdrola Group, has partnered with a fifth-generation Oregon rancher to graze sheep at two solar farms in Oregon and Washington and launched likely the largest ‘solar grazing’ operation in the region. Solar grazing is a vegetation management method used at solar energy facilities that uses grazing livestock, like sheep, instead of machinery. Sheep are effective at limiting the growth of weeds and vegetation, cutting down on wildfire risks while replacing the use of gas-powered machines.” – Solarpowerworldonline 

Alliant Energy Develops Agrivoltaic Research Project in Iowa 

“Researchers (in Illinois) are piloting how crops such as grains and soybeans used primarily to feed livestock grow with solar panels obstructing their full view of the sun. The counterintuitive practice is called agrivoltaics, a nascent industry that partners solar developers looking for large plots of land and farmers looking to make additional income. 

In just two years and despite physical constraints, initial findings suggest that the sorghum grain could be a promising crop to grow alongside solar panels. Branham said that so far it appears that combining sorghum with solar panels has resulted in a 59% increase in efficiency. And wildlife, including birds and bees, are flocking to the improved habitat.”- wbez 

Solar Grazers Say Grazing Sheep Under Solar Panels Improves Productivity 

“As a flock of about 2,000 sheep graze between rows of solar panels, grazier Tony Inder wonders what all the fuss is about. ‘I’m not going to suggest it’s everyone’s cup of tea,’ he says. ‘But as far as sheep grazing goes, solar is really good.’ 

On Inder’s New South Wales property, a solar farm has increased wool production. It is a symbiotic relationship that the director of the National Renewables in Agriculture Conference, Karin Stark, wants to see replicated across as many solar farms as possible as Australia’s energy grid transitions away from fossil fuels.” – The Guardian