Entries by A. J. Puckett

Techno-Economic Viability of Agro-Photovoltaic Irrigated Arable Lands in the EU-Med Region: A Case-Study in Southwestern Spain

This paper shows that inSolar photovoltaic energy is positioned to play a major role in the electricity generation mix of Mediterranean countries. This paper analyzes the profitability of a hypothetical agro-photovoltaics (APV) system deployed on irrigated arable lands of southwestern Spain. AgriSolar operations requiring and including irrigation methods may benefit from topics discussed in this paper.


Renewable Energy Application for Self-Sustainable Offshore Mariculture: The Conceptual Design

This report describes a design for an automated, offshore-fish farm, with solar, wind and hydro power as well as a durable, physical structure. The design discussed in the article includes three separate, self-maintaining energies: tidal, wind, and solar. Also included are descriptions of various offshore aquaculture cages intended for deep-water ocean designs.


Mathematical Modeling Suggests High Potential for the Deployment of Floating Photovoltaic On Fish Ponds

This article concerns a dynamic model that simulates the main biochemical processes in a milkfish pond that is subject to floating photovoltaic (FPV) cover. The paper includes a model design description that includes details of variable components of the design, including: water temperature, phytoplankton, dissolved oxygen, fish and other variables. Results of the experiment are included, and include: calibration results, ecological effects, and trade-offs between fish and energy production.


Farmstead Energy Audit

This North Dakota State University Extension publication provides an introductory overview of energy auditing for a farmstead. The checklist includes tractor and field operation(s), details regarding grain drying practices, indoor and outdoor lighting and irrigation.


Draft Animal Power for Farming

This NCAT ATTRA publication briefly discusses some of the considerations and potential benefits involved in the use of animal power and offers resources for further information and equipment. The publication includes an overview of uses and power potential for horses, mules, oxen and add-a-unit flexibility as well as considerations for safety and suitability and scarcity of knowledge and equipment.


Dairy Farm Energy Efficiency

This NCAT ATTRA publication provides an overview of how dairy farms can implement efficiency improvements and energy-saving technologies that can reduce energy consumption and energy-related costs. The publication includes details on the milking process, milk cooling systems, heating water and lighting.


Tractor and Field Operations Energy Efficiency Checklist

This North Dakota State University Extension article concerns energy efficiency opportunities in tractors and field operations. The checklist includes a list of questions to ask related to proper tire inflation, RPM speed on larger tractors and shading for fuel storage. The document also includes a list of facts and actions regarding tractor maintenance, machine cost calculator and wheel slippage.