Entries by A. J. Puckett


High Volume Low Speed Fans

This Wisconsin Public Service publication concerns high-volume low-speed (HVLS) fans as a ventilation option for dairy and livestock farmers. The publication includes information on air velocity related to cow comfort, air velocity obstructions and diagrams showing air velocities in feet per minute.


High Tunnel Winter Growing Using Heat Recovery Ventilation

This NCAT ATTRA publication describes the installation of the heat recovery equipment and provides an analysis of data on humidity and temperature in the winter growing tunnels used in the project. The publication includes details on the trial of a heat recovery ventilation (HRV) system as an alternative to traditional ventialtion in tunnel production. The installation process of the heat recovery equipment is provided.

AgriSolar News Roundup: New DOE Initiatives, Solar Parks, Supercomputing

DOE Announces Initiatives to Increase Community Solar Deployment The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) made announcements during the National Solar Partnership Summit (NCSP) addressing new initiatives that will unlock barriers related to the deployment of community solar. These initiatives will assist the NCSP in reaching one of their goals of creating $1 billion in energy […]

Pollinator Focused Solar: Observations of Plant-Pollinator Interactions in the Agrivoltaic Understory

This thesis presents a case study of plant-pollinator interactions at a solar energy generation site in southwestern Oregon, a water-limited, dryland ecosystem. Results show no difference in visitation rates of insects to flowers located inside versus outside the solar array. These findings could prove useful when developing AgriSolar operations that include pollinators. 

Manufacture and Evaluation of a Solar Unit for Managing Apiary

This study describes the manufacture and evaluation of a beehive box that is safe for inspection, optimum syrup fed, easily identifies the different states of the bee colony, and maximizes the colony health while preventing colony losses. An AgriSolar development may benefit in utilizing the findings from this study in relation to beehive boxes.

Honeybee Pollination Benefits Could Inform Solar Park Business Cases, Planning Decisions and Environmental Sustainability Targets

This study evaluates the monetary benefits of pollination services from installing honeybee hives in solar parks and discusses how the findings could inform policy and practice. The study includes an overview of field crops, fruit crops, pollination ecosystem service benefits as well as costs of honey beehives. These discussions could be used when developing AgriSolar operations that include various crops and pollinators.