Entries by A. J. Puckett


Application of Photovoltaic Systems for Agriculture: A Study on the Relationship between Power Generation and Farming for the Improvement of Photovoltaic Applications in Agriculture

This articles includes research findings of a study conducted on grapes that were cultivated on land that was divided into six sections: three with photovoltaic panels and three without. The study did not find a difference in grape growth but did find a slight slowing of grape growth under the solar panels. The sugar content was slightly higher in the experiment group. 


Agrivoltaic System Impacts on Microclimate and Yield of Different Crops Within an Organic Crop Rotation in a Temperate Climate

The article concerns changes in microclimatic conditions in an agrisolar system within an organic crop rotation. Crops include celeriac, winter wheat, potato, and grass-clover cultivated both underneath solar PV panels system and on an adjacent reference site without solar panels. Alteration in microclimatic conditions and crop production under solar PV was confirmed including reduced photosynthetic active radiation, soil temperature, soil moisture, and air temperatures.


A Case Study of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon var. Legend) Production andWater Productivity in Agrivoltaic Systems

This article describes the microclimate and growth characteristics of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicon var. Legend) grown within three locations on an Agrivoltaic field (control, interrow, and below panels) and with two different irrigation treatments. Total crop yield was highest in the control fully irrigated areas and decreased as shading increased. 

Research Shows Solar Grazing Improves Soil Quality

Recent research conducted on a Minnesota agrisolar operation showed that grazing sheep at ground-mounted solar projects improves the health and quality of the soil and  that consecutive annual grazing treatments to land under solar panels realized more benefits than  intermittently grazed land. The MNL Conservation Grazing Program’s flock of sheep has been grazing under the […]