This paper presents an approach to minimize the human interface for the agriculture sector, which provides comfort to the farmer in monitoring and performs automatic irrigation operation. The approach discussed here can be applied to AgriSolar operations and development requiring irrigation.

This publication gives an introduction to solar-powered livestock-watering systems, including discussions of cost, components, and terminology, as well as some suggestions for designing and installing these systems.

Solar-based solutions can provide reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable energy for decentralized irrigation services. This paper analyzes the key drivers behind the adoption of solar pumping technology and brings to the forefront the cross-sector aspects that should be considered in program design and implementation. 

This paper presents a prototype of an automated-irrigation system for installation in the field. After the prototype development, the use of a previously built photovoltaic microgeneration is analyzed in order to insert the electricity generated in the automated irrigation system.

This paper identifies a common problem in Namibia, Africa, is inconsistent irrigation water supply. The objective of this paper is to explore solar powered irrigation systems as a possible solution to provide sustainable irrigation water supply. Some topics discussed in this paper may help in developing and designing AgriSolar operations in similiar demographic areas.

This paper discusses development of a solar powered irrigation system using software design called Supervisory Control Data Acquisition (SCADA). The paper shows that this application can be quite useful in areas, such as AgriSolar sites, where there is plenty of sunshine but insufficient water to carry out farming activities, such as rubber plantation, strawberry plantation, or any plantation, that requires frequent watering.


This paper addresses water scarcity and food crisis by designing and implementing a smart irrigation system. It presents the details of a solar-powered automated irrigation system that dispenses the exact amount of water required depending on the soil moisture, hence minimizing the waste of water. AgriSolar operations that require irrigation may benefit from the topics discussed in this report.

The objective of this paper is to design and construct an automatic irrigation system powered by PV panels on a laboratory level. The paper states that the utilization of a photovoltaic (PV), off-grid solar system could be the solution for pumping and irrigation systems in Palestine. The methods used here include using a humidity sensor in the soil and temperature sensor in the air to test the need for the irrigation system.

This paper shows that inSolar photovoltaic energy is positioned to play a major role in the electricity generation mix of Mediterranean countries. This paper analyzes the profitability of a hypothetical agro-photovoltaics (APV) system deployed on irrigated arable lands of southwestern Spain. AgriSolar operations requiring and including irrigation methods may benefit from topics discussed in this paper.

The rapid increase of photovoltaic installations highlights the potential of agrivoltaic systems. These dual-land use systems mitigate land use conflicts for places with limited open space and moreover, show the potential as an added value in crop- and livestock cultivation. The many different names and interacting possibilities between agriculture and PV make it difficult and confusing for stakeholders to compare and benchmark existing installations as well as propose and set new (EU) legislation schemes. This work proposes a standardized classification (including names) of agrivoltaic systems, which is usable worldwide. The classification is based on the application, system, the farming type, PV structure and flexibility. These elements makes it possible to describe and categorize each existing agrivoltaic installation properly. This work suggests to mention each sub-category (for example: static stilted orchard agrovoltaic system) in future research papers or documents to order to better compare (rangevoltaic <=> agrovoltaic) and benchmark new installed installations. When comparing agrivoltaics, the use of the proposed seven KPIs will help to make meaningful comparisons and grounded decisions in case of possible new installations.