Search results

  1. staciepeterson

    Energizing Rural Communities Prize

    The $15 million Energizing Rural Communities Prize challenges individuals and organizations to develop partnership plans or innovative financing strategies to help rural or remote communities improve their energy systems and advance clean energy demonstration projects. The prize will launch in...
  2. staciepeterson

    NSF Small Business Innovation Research/ Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I (SBIR/STTR Phase I)

    National Science Foundation Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships Translational Impacts Submission Window Date(s) (due by 5 p.m. submitter's local time): November 22, 2022 - March 01, 2023 March 02, 2023 - July 05, 2023 July 06, 2023 - November 01, 2023 The proposer must...
  3. staciepeterson

    Honey Bee Health Improvement Project

    The 2023 grant cycle is now open for the Honey Bee Health Improvement Project, which focuses on ways to help Honey Bees and beekeepers. In the absence of Colony Collapse Disorder, this task force will seek out and secure funding for innovative and important work to understand and promote genetic...
  4. staciepeterson

    Cool Tools for Public Use

    Solar Powered Irrigation Pumps:
  5. staciepeterson

    USDA NRCS Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (UAIP) Competitive Grants Program

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), under the OUAIP, is soliciting applications from eligible entities to host the UAIP Competitive Grants pilot project. Learn more here:
  6. staciepeterson

    E.W. Brown solar facility solar grazing "EweTube" channel

    A flock of Shetland and Katahdin sheep from nearby Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill are hard at work keeping the vegetation in check at Kentucky’s largest universal solar facility, located in Mercer County. Watch here:
  7. staciepeterson

    Special Research Grants Program Aquaculture Research - USDA NIFA

    Applications are due by June 3, 2022. USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) requests applications for approximately $1.936 million available through the Special Research Grants for Aquaculture Research competitive grants program. This program funds applied aquaculture research...
  8. staciepeterson

    U.S. Department of Energy Solar Office Announces $8 Million in Funding Available to Research Solar + Agriculture

    Farmers and members of the agriculture and solar industries are encouraged to apply for $8 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to research and scale up agrivoltaics— agricultural production, such as crop production, livestock grazing, and pollinator habitat that exist...
  9. staciepeterson

    NRCS Technical Assistance for Habitat Improvement

    NRCS is in search of a cooperative undertaking with an organization that will assist NRCS with strong technical assistance for wildlife habitat improvement practices. This cooperative effort is intended to provide field office staff access to local wildlife professionals preferably with...
  10. staciepeterson

    Opportunities for Promoting Understanding through Synthesis

    National Science Foundation: General Information Program Title: Synopsis of Program: Who May Serve as PI: Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: Limit on Number...
  11. staciepeterson

    France Define Standards for Agrivoltaics
  12. staciepeterson

    Western SARE Research & Education Grants

    Pre-proposals are due by May 19, 2022. Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education is calling for pre-proposals for Research and Education grants. In this grant program, a researcher, an Extension/outreach representative, and at least three producers work together to conduct both...
  13. staciepeterson

    Vacancy for a PhD fellowship at CEA-INES, on aerial imagery and data fusion for advanced diagnostics in solar PV plants.

    If you are a young researcher/data scientist (Master's degree) with hands-on experience in machine/computer vision, machine learning or image data analytics, and (ideally) with genuine interest in renewable energies like solar PV, then this position and exciting project is for you. Need more...
  14. staciepeterson

    USDA is seeking nominations from now until May 31, 2022, for its newly formed National Pollinator Subcommittee.

    USDA is seeking nominations from now until May 31, 2022, for its newly formed National Pollinator Subcommittee. For information on how to apply, visit the NAREEE website.
  15. staciepeterson

    USDA is seeking nominations from now until May 31, 2022, for its newly formed National Pollinator Subcommittee.

    USDA is seeking nominations from now until May 31, 2022, for its newly formed National Pollinator Subcommittee. For information on how to apply, visit the NAREEE website.
  16. staciepeterson

    2022 Agribotics/Agrivoltaics Internship - Hunt Utilities Group, LLC (HUG)

    Hunt Utilities Group, LLC (HUG) has one or two openings for summer interns to study agricultural robots (Agribotics) and solar panels over farm fields (Agrivoltaics) on our Resilient Living Research Campus. Research will include surveying the field and reporting on the state of technology and...
  17. staciepeterson

    City of Phoenix Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Grant Application - Due April 5

    Farmers in Phoenix are invited to apply for grants to help with their efforts in resilient and sustainable agriculture measures. The City of Phoenix's Office of Environmental Programs has $245,000 in grants available. The funding is meant to help private and non-profit farms that are interested...
  18. staciepeterson

    Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Nexus Postdoctoral Scholar

    Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Nexus Postdoctoral Scholar Job #JPF04773 JOHN MUIR INSTITUTE-ENVIRON / RESEARCH / UC Davis Apply now: View this position online: APPLICATION WINDOW Open date: February 28th, 2022 Next...
  19. staciepeterson

    Solar Development Leasing: University of Maryland Focus Group Interest & Availability

    Researchers from the University of Maryland and Cornell University are organizing a focus group meeting with landowners to gather information on their views and actions related to large-scale solar leases in MD. We would like to invite you to participate in a 1.5-hour virtual meeting with other...
  20. staciepeterson

    Funding Notice: Deploying Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Services Benefits (SolWEB)

    Office: Solar Energy Technologies Office FOA number: DE-FOA-002605 Link to apply: Apply on EERE Exchange FOA Amount: $10 million On March 1, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the Deploying Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Services Benefits (SolWEB) funding opportunity ...