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  1. staciepeterson

    The annual Hands-On Photovoltaic Experience (HOPE) Workshop will be held in July 2022

    The HOPE Workshop is designed to strengthen photovoltaic (PV) research at universities in the United States. HOPE is designed primarily for students, but also requires participation of the professors leading the research and overseeing each student's thesis...
  2. staciepeterson

    Wildlife Biologist

    Thanks Marc. We are developing a list of agrisolar contractors with expertise in different aspects of agrisolar. Would you like to be added to the list?
  3. staciepeterson

    NRCS’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program USDA-NRCS-NHQ-RCPP-22-NOFO0001136

    The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) promotes coordination of NRCS conservation activities with partners that offer value-added contributions to expand our collective ability to address on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns. Through RCPP, NRCS seeks to...
  4. staciepeterson

    Mid-Year Established Conservationist Grant Program

    A Conservation Nation Grant will place a strong emphasis on ensuring that grant recipients will share their work and knowledge and become mentors for our emerging conservationists and youth conservationists. Who Can Apply: Mid-career conservationists. Whose home base and place of work are...
  5. staciepeterson

    USDA Launches Pilot Program to Deploy Renewable Energy Infrastructure to People in Rural Towns

    U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the Department is making up to $10 million available to help people living in rural towns develop community renewable energy projects that will help them cut their energy costs and contribute to the nationwide...
  6. staciepeterson

    Cool Tools for Public Use

    Here is another great tool - the Farm Link program connects farm seekers with transitioning farms and non-farming landowners:
  7. staciepeterson

    Montana CPACE Program

    The Montana CPACE program can provide financing for Montana agrivoltaic projects. Learn more here: Across the nation, C-PACE financing (Commercial Property Assessed Capital Enhancement) is making energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy investments more...
  8. staciepeterson

    World’s largest floating PV plant goes online in China

    Huaneng Power International (HPI) completed the world's largest floating PV project – a 320 MW facility in Dezhou, in China's Shandong province. It deployed the floating array on a reservoir near Huaneng Power's 2.65 GW Dezhou thermal power station. Huaneng Power also plans to build a 2 GW solar...
  9. staciepeterson

    Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grants

    The Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grant Program offers grant assistance to create and augment high-wage jobs, accelerate the formation of new businesses, support industry clusters and maximize the use of local productive assets in eligible low-income rural areas. Who may apply...
  10. staciepeterson

    American Farmland Trust New England Farmer Microgrants Program

    American Farmland Trust is accepting applications for the 2022 cohort of the New England Farmer Microgrants Program (NEFMP). Starting this year, AFT will be able to provide at least 100 grants of up $5,000 each to farmers annually for the next five years, and 80% of the funds will be dedicated...
  11. staciepeterson

    Young Farmer Grants

    Applications are due by January 28, 2022. The National Young Farmers Coalition is partnering with Chipotle to offer $5,000 grants to 50 young farmers and ranchers to support them in building careers in agriculture. Forty-five awards will go to businesses already in operation, and five to...
  12. staciepeterson

    Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR)

    SBIR/STTR Phase I awards are up to $200,000 for six months to one year. Details on the topics for the FY 2022 Phase I release are detailed below. View the funding opportunity announcement document for more information on the program, the application process, and eligibility. This year, the...
  13. staciepeterson

    Solar sheep, and a woold of baaaa-d puns

    Very punny, Linda! ASGA is going great work in this space and they are one of our stakeholders. Thanks so much for sharing this article.
  14. staciepeterson

    Critical Aspects of Sustainability (CAS): Innovative Solutions to Climate Change

    Critical Aspects of Sustainability (CAS): Innovative Solutions to Climate Change. National Science Foundation. Specifies agrivoltaics. No date listed.
  15. staciepeterson

    USDA-NIFA Specialty Crop Research Initiative Closes January 21.
  16. staciepeterson

    Honey Bee Health Improvement Project THE 2022 GRANT CYCLE IS NOW OPEN. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE JANUARY 21, 2022. SUBMISSION: Email your proposal packets as a single PDF file to Reed Lievers ( by 3PM PST on Friday, January 21, 2022.
  17. staciepeterson

    Opportunities for Research and Education in the Critical-Zone (ORE-CZ)

    Opportunities for Research and Education in the Critical-Zone (ORE-CZ). National Science Foundation. Closes April 30,2022.
  18. staciepeterson

    Predicting Transformation of Living Systems in Evolving Environments

    Predicting Transformation of Living Systems in Evolving Environments. National Science Foundation. Closes March 1, 2022.