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  1. W

    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Joe, Talking about electric pickups, this is the one I have ordered and its white to stand the Florida sun and heat.
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Joe, since you are in a dairy region in the US. here is a link from the news, for the dairy industry which needs the electrical energy for cooling milk, milking equipment, feed...
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Joe this is where we got the graph, and it shows that bifacials panels set vertical really produce.
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Joe, I read the info you posted and what I see is that the ROI is too low for the average Midwest and Great Plains farmer for elevated solar structures. The farmer of today does not to go back to farming with 4 and 6 row equipment. Those elevated solar structures cost's is too high and...
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Joe, Here is a company report on that Blue Electric tractor that you like.
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Joe, I just read in the news that the EV charging will cover those states twice to three times over within 1-2 years along major routes.
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Joe, the electric pick-up market is coming alive fast and Rivian was first with a range of 250 miles and will be extended to over 300 miles as the need arises. If you produce your own power at the farm or business, the electric vehicle becomes a no-brainner with no engine and drive train...
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Good Morning, Joe, There are two more electric tractors in the 65 horsepower range that are put together for the North American tractor market, one is the Hummingbird built in Ca for grove and orchard work and the other is Monarch from Ca. which you can order starting now as it will be shipped...
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Had a few requests for a list of electrical equipment to run on a off-grid solar powered farm. Here is my new 2023 list.
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Chris, was asked a question about growing corn between solar fences which can be very tall. I was told to not worry about the corn height shading out the solar fences because the corn industry is cutting the corn height almost in half with short-stature corn. This breakthrough will make the...
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Another question from a farmer wanting solar fence and irrigation in the same field and is it possible? Yes, the linear irrigation fits the vertical solar fence as all are alined to travel and face in the same row direction.
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Got a call about how large of a electric tractor a small 160 acre farm should get. They have solar panels on the roof of the tool shed and barn. I emailed them this video of a 50 hp electric tractor working larger farm equipment. Yes there is larger ones with up to 200 horsepower. The tractor is...
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    So lets say a small homestead owner ask a question on what he should use for his truck farm. I want to use the lowest cost, least labor, and small electric tractor at 40 hp to replace a old worn out tractor to till onion beds. My answer would say he needs to look at solar power to get to the...
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Chris, the vertical bi-facial fence panels collect energy from sunup to sundown, but very little during the noon time, but still perform 30% better as tested at the Sandia National Laboratories.
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    Electric equipment for agriculture use

    Farmer's will use electric everything when they produce there own solar power for electric vehicles running on their farms every day. We have more all electric farm machinery built by manufactures everyday like, tractors, trucks, pickups, UTV, ATV, Skid steers, loaders, TMR units, etc. If a...
  16. W

    Hello AgriSolar enthusiasts. There are a lot of AgriSolar terms out there and I'd like to develop a dictionary of terms, with your input.

    That's a good one Stacie, For Starters I would say its a vertical solar panel set in a modular fence design that uses bifacial solar panels. Since the bi facial's gather energy from both east and west sides to actual gather 30% more power without any moving parts , snow removal problems and bird...
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    Hello AgriSolar enthusiasts. There are a lot of AgriSolar terms out there and I'd like to develop a dictionary of terms, with your input.

    What terms would you like defined in an AgriSolar dictionary? My answer is Vertical Solar Fence
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Good Morning Chris, each piling is 7 foot apart, so a 1- 400 watt solar panel between each piling at 26 solar panels long will produce 10.4 KW like in the dairy pasture picture in the attachment above in this forum. With a double panels system in the same length, it would take 52 bi-facial solar...
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Chris, Vertical Solar fence benefits are hugh, as a very little amount of clover seed will be needed to seed a 8 inch strip, a half mile long. The pollinators will help the produce grower and seed crops like canola. Vertical Solar fence benefits will put more solar on more agriculture land yet...
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    Shade Tolerant Crops

    Chris, the clovers sound like a good answer, but there are so many. The produce growers using the vertical solar fence would love for extra bee's for pollination in crops like cukes. Their was some data posted somewhere that pollinators like lower wind conditions like the vertical solar fence...