
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) has opened their call for preproposals for "Research for Novel Approaches in Sustainable Agriculture." This grant program funds “proof of concept” projects intended to confirm the benefit and/or feasibility of new practices and approaches that have high potential for adoption by farmers.
-These practices and approaches may be related to production, marketing, business management, human resource management and other social issues, or other topics related to sustainable agriculture. "Proof of concept,” means that evidence from prior experiments or pilot projects strongly suggest a practice or approach is beneficial and feasible, but additional testing, data and refinement is needed before recommending farmer adoption.
-Research may be conducted through field trials, laboratory experiments and social science investigations. Exploratory research with little likelihood of determining feasibility for farmer adoption in the near-term will not be funded. There must be documented interest among farmers and service providers in utilizing or promoting the novel approach, should it be proven beneficial and feasible.
-Reviewers prefer projects in the $30,000 to $200,000 range. Funding requests should align with project duration, scope of the work, and intensity of interaction with beneficiaries. Amounts higher than the typical range will be considered for projects that include multi-disciplinary or multi-institutional research and education networks, especially when those networks enable a more comprehensive systems approach to addressing challenges or opportunities.

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