
New member
Hi everyone,
we are four master students of agricultural sciences at the University of Bonn (Germany) and we are developing a model to estimate the profitability of an agrivoltaic system in Mali as part of the module "Decision Analysis and Forecasting in Agriculture". For this purpose we have developed a questionnaire, which we would like to have answered by as many experts as possible, in order to be able to use as accurate values as possible for our model.

You can find the questionnaire under the following link: Agrophotovoltaic Project | SurveyPlanet

it would be great if a few people could be found here to take part in the questionnaire, as we have hardly received any responses from experts so far and time is running out.

We thank you in advance for your time and help,

Annicka Laudenberg, Nils Heidkamp, Michèle Hönicke & Julian Bauer from the University of Bonn