Aquavoltaics: Synergies for Dual Use of Water Area for Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generation and Aquaculture
This paper reviews the fields of floatovoltaic (FV) technology and aquaculture to investigate the potential of floatovoltaic-aquaculture synergistic applications for improving food-energy-water nexus sustainability. Several symbiotic relationships are considered, including: an increase in power-conversion efficiency (due to the cooling and cleaning of module surfaces), a reduction in wate surface evaporation rates, ecosystem redevelopment, improved growth rates in fish through integrated designs (using FV-powered pumps to control oxygenation levels), and LED lighting.
Mathematical Modeling Suggests High Potential for the Deployment of Floating Photovoltaic On Fish Ponds
This article concerns a dynamic model that simulates the main biochemical processes in a milkfish pond that is subject to floating photovoltaic (FPV) cover. The study concludes that the installation of FPV(s) on fish ponds may have a moderately negative impact on fish production due to a reduction in dissolved oxygen levels. However, losses in fish production can be compensated for by gains in energy.
Renewable Energy Application for Self-Sustainable Offshore Mariculture: The Conceptual Design
This report describes a design for an automated, offshore-fish farm, with solar, wind and hydro power as well as a durable, physical structure.