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Robyn Metzger

Pollinator-Friendly Solar in Plains, Georgia: A former U.S. president’s clean energy legacy

Pollinator-Friendly Solar in Plains, Georgia: A former U.S. president’s clean energy legacy By Briana Kerber Sunset with Gaillardia and Solar Array. Photo: Jill Stuckey With clean energy developments continuing to ramp up across…

ASGA June Teatime: Learn About Dual-Use Solar Research from the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture

Hear the latest from Massachusetts on dual-use solar research and programs, from hay to vegetables to pollinators! Agrivoltaics/dual-use solar covers an increasingly wide umbrella of types of agriculture as the importance of maintaining…

Solar Pollinator Habitat Discovery Trail

In Warren County, Ohio, the Soil and Water Conservation District and the Park District collaborated to combine solar energy to power a park with pollinator habitat and an educational trail. The Solar Pollinator Habitat Discovery Trail was created…
Butterfly, USDA Flickr

Pollinator Week: Wings of Life! June 20-26, 2022

Pollinator Week is an annual celebration in support of pollinator health, initiated and managed by Pollinator Partnership (P2). It is a time to raise awareness for pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. The great…

ASGA May Teatime: Benefits and Realities of Solar Grazing, A Checklist for Shepherds and Solar Companies

How can shepherds and solar companies understand each other’s basic requirements and seal the deal? Join us to hear about the updated "Solar Grazing Checklist for Shepherds and Solar Sites Mangers" from our friends in Vermont, who…

Characterizing the Ecological Effects of Utility-scale Photovoltaic Arrays in Rangeland

By Dr. Seeta Sistla, Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo With the dual growth of utility-scale solar energy and food production, fallowed agricultural landscapes represent…

Tasting the Fruits and Vegetables Grown Under Solar Panels

By: Mariah Rogers, Graduate Student, University of Arizona Do plants taste different under solar panels? Do they taste better? At the Biosphere 2 Agrivoltaics Learning Lab, we studied just that. Why Should We Use Agrivoltaics? Agrivoltaics—the…

Case Study: Solar Grazing at Susquehanna University

Some institutions of higher learning are reducing fossil fuel use by investing in solar panel installations on campus. However, most of them don’t use grazing sheep to manage the grassland under their panels. In 2019, Susquehanna University…

Case Study: EDF Renewables Amprior Site Agrisolar

Arnprior Solar site in fall and winter All photos courtesy of EDF Renewables EDF Renewables (EDFR) has dedicated its efforts for over 35 years to create a sustainable energy economy.  They have developed nearly 24 GW and continue…

To Mow or Not to Mow?

Timing field management in and around solar fields to optimize conservation opportunities for declining grassland birds Dr. Amy Johnson, Conservation Biologist and Program Director, Virginia Working Landscapes, Smithsonian’s National Zoo…

Financing and Incentive Options for Solar

By: Andrew Valainis Director, Montana Renewable Energy Association (MREA) According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, the cost to install solar has dropped more than 60% over the last decade alone, with the average residential…

Watch: Teatime – Leasing for Community and Grid Scale Solar: Key Considerations While Negotiating

In this Teatime from April 21, 2022, Tom Murphy, the Director of Penn State’s Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research (MCOR), presents Leasing for Community and Grid Scale Solar – Key Consideration While Negotiating.  Tom's current…

AgriSolar News