Wondering how solar energy arrays can benefit pollinator health and habitat? Find out in this interesting podcast from our archives!
This episode features a conversation between Stacie Peterson, NCAT’s Energy Program Director and Manager of the AgriSolar Clearinghouse, and Pete Berthelsen, Executive Director of The Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund and President of Conservation Blueprint.
It is the fourth in a series of AgriSolar Clearinghouse podcasts that are being featured on ATTRA’S Voices from the Field podcast.
Pete and Stacie discuss the benefits of pollinator habitat at solar energy sites, pollinator habitat design, seed mixes, pollinator health and quality, and what anyone can do to help pollinators in their own backyard.
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You can get in touch with NCAT/ATTRA specialists and find access to our trusted, practical sustainable-agriculture publications, webinars, videos, and other resources at ATTRA.NCAT.ORG.
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Solar Energy Technologies Office Award Number DE-EE000937. Legal Disclaimer: The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government.
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/AgriSolar-Pollinators.jpg7261089ATTRA - Sustainable Agriculturehttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngATTRA - Sustainable Agriculture2023-03-01 13:48:222024-07-15 11:19:46AgriSolar Podcast Ep. 4: Birds, Bees, and Butterflies – Solar Pollinator Habitat
Renewable Northwest and a small workgroup are preparing an update to the 2019 report, Dual-Use Solar in the Pacific Northwest: A Way Forward, in response to the changing landscape of agrivoltaics (also referred to as dual-use solar) in the region. This blog will explain the need for a fresh look at dual-use in the Pacific Northwest and describe some of the themes important to the conversation.
Why Do We Need to Revisit Dual-use Solar?
The Biden Administration recently set a goal of reaching 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035. Many states have similar requirements of reaching net-zero GHG emissions. To reach these targets, extensive buildout of solar energy will be a cornerstone of the evolving energy grid. Dual-use solar allows farmers to use their land both as farmland and as a site to generate electricity (and additional income).
In Renewable Northwest’s 2019 report, staff explored the potential and practicality of dual-use solar by looking at advantages and disadvantages, policies, project examples, and best practices. Given the increased attention agrivoltaics has received recently, including federal research investments and policy changes, it’s time to revisit the report. The updated report (to be completed in spring 2023) will explore recent updates in agrivoltaics. Here is what you can expect:
What Has Not Changed?
The conversation around dual-use in the Pacific Northwest is still in early stages. To date, the region still does not have many dual-use projects, but some solar and pollinator projects do exist. For example, Pine Gate Renewables’ Eagle Point Solar is a 13-MW solar and pollinator project located on 41 acres in Medford, Oregon. Previously, the land was used for dairy grazing. Now, the site contains a diverse seed mix of pollinating flowers with over 30 types of native flowers and grasses. Old Sol Apiaries is a business based in southern Oregon that provides bees for honey makers and commercial pollinators. Bees forage on native pollinator plants under Pine Gate’s panels. They also provide bees at other solar-pollinator locations, such as a73-acre project in Clackamas County, Oregon.
Eagle Point Solar Location
There are a few reasons why dual-use is still not as widely used in this region as it is in others. For instance, there are still policy barriers. In fact, every year there are regular efforts pushing back against solar development by legislators in the Northwest. For example, in Oregon, the Land Conservation and Development Commission issued a rulemaking in 2019 limiting the amount of land to 12 acres that a farmer could use for a solar project located on high-value farmland. However, there was potential for counties to issue ordinances that could increase to 20 acres for dual-use projects. The difficulty with this rulemaking was that it sunsetted after two and a half years, and counties did not have much of a chance to develop an ordinance before the sunset. Additionally, counties in Washington state are continuing to develop ordinances that limit renewable energy development, including potential dual-use projects.
Agrivoltaics continues to be a challenging environment. The idea of agrivoltaics originated in Europe and is just gaining momentum in the U.S. A recent article by Jeff Turrentine at the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) states that in a number of Asian and European countries, agrivoltaics has gained much more ground. For instance, in Japan, there are 2,000 agrivoltaic installations, whereas in the U.S., there are less than 50 accounted for.The U.S. is not as far along as others for a few reasons:
There are significant up-front costs and barriers to entry.
Research on large-scale solar with crops and grazing is still considered to be in early stages.
There is limited transmission for projects to connect to. Projects most often need to be located near the electricity load (demand).
Many farmers are still uneasy about the idea of combining solar and agriculture.
What Has Changed?
While there still are not many dual-use projects in the Northwest, we have seen more interest in the idea of advancing dual-use. New research continues to be published on the advances in dual-use technology and solar-crop compatibility. Some recent studies even suggest that, under the protection of solar panels, certain crops may grow stronger and longer that may otherwise succumb to higher temperatures more readily.
Another interesting Oregon State University study found that there is a symbiotic relationship between solar panels and the crops that grow beneath them. Crops exposed to increased levels of sunlight require more water. With solar panels providing shade and cooler temperatures, less water is lost to evaporation and the plants require less water from irrigation. But perhaps the more interesting finding is that the panels were found to perform better with the crops growing beneath them. The crops beneath the panels contributed to keeping the local environment cooler. With cooler temperatures, the panels operate more efficiently, generating about 10% more electricity than panels installed over gravel.
There are additional efforts and funding being devoted to studying and implementing dual-use projects. Last December, DOE announced $8 million in funding for projects that integrate solar energy production with farming. An energy.gov article states that the funding is intended to reduce barriers to both community and utility-scale solar energy deployment while also maximizing benefits to farmers and local communities. The six states (and the District of Columbia) selected for funding are not located in the Pacific Northwest region. However, the studies will likely produce valuable knowledge that can be integrated here, as well. Some of the topics pertain to socioeconomics, technical aspects, outreach strategies, deployment resources, sustainability, and markets in rural North America.
Additionally, in 2021, the USDA awarded the University of Illinois $10 million to determine the types of crops that are best suited to pair with solar. The research sites include Illinois, Arizona, and Colorado.
With already cost-competitive solar bolstered by the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, solar development is expected to increase dramatically. Hopefully, this means we will see more dual-use projects. And, the increased interest in studying agrivoltaics from the DOE and USDA could perhaps be a sign federal aid is on the way for farmers interested in agrivoltaics. Right now, there is a real need for additional mechanisms and incentives for those interested in pursuing dual-use projects in particular.
How Is the Region Reacting to the Prospect of Dual-use?
While dual-use solar may not be a silverbullet solution to siting solar on farmland, it does offer a tool of flexibility for farmers. This tool can provide additional income that keeps farmers farming and keeps farmland as farmland. The previously mentioned NRDC article states that many people are optimistic about the idea of expanding agrivoltaic facilities with options to sustain farming, potential to bring in new farmers, and stabilize land for crops that could otherwise go to more permanent types of development.
What’s Next?
There are still many other areas of interest that updated report may investigate. For instance, we need to know: Four years later, where are we? Have many projects been implemented since 2019 and how are they doing? Are projects happening practically? What are the dos and don’ts of building a dual-use project? What are the many other studies saying? What are the farmers concerned about?
The U.S. is looking to develop about five times the solar we have to date over the next 10 years, and that solar will require land (at least for its useful life). But new solar buildouts don’t have to result in conflicts. Many think agrivoltaics is a key solution, especially when it comes to avoiding potential conflicts between energy and food production. And with more research and funding being devoted to the idea, dual-use is becoming less of a research question and more of a reality.
If you would like to be notified when the final and updated dual-use report is available, please contact Emily at emily@renewablenw.org
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Eagle-Point-scaled.jpg17072560Danielle Miskahttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngDanielle Miska2023-02-28 17:01:292023-02-28 17:01:31A Fresh Look at Dual-use Solar in the Pacific Northwest
Cows on a pasture with elevated Stracker dual-axis solar trackers.
By Brigitta Banki and Kate Lundquist, Stracker Solar
Farmers and ranchers all over the United States are increasingly interested in taking part in solar energy initiatives. Agrivoltaics can mean not only cleaner energy, but also savings on operational expenses, as well as the opportunity to develop a secondary income stream by selling the power to utility companies or to offtakers directly through community solar programs.
The available options for agrisolar are greenhouse roof-mounted solar, fixed ground-mounted systems, and elevated solar trackers. Let’s look at the differences, pros, and cons of each type.
Greenhouse Roof-mounted Agrisolar Fixed solar panels mounted on the roofs of greenhouses are generally the least efficient of all agrivoltaic solar solutions and come with limitations based on the location and roof direction of the structure. The ideal location for solar panels in the U.S. is facing south, with a secondary option of west-facing roof exposure.
In recent years, the popularity of greenhouse roof-mounted solar has grown since those buildings are generally built with a southern exposure. This option has the unexpected drawback of having a markedly negative impact on yields and energy output. One study from the University of Arizona found that when half the greenhouse roof was covered with conventional solar panels, crop output was reduced by 64% and panel productivity was 84% lower.
Fixed Ground-mounted Solar Low ground-mounted solar panels are a slightly more efficient option. Available in different heights, the panels are installed on rows of metal racking: typical low ground-mounts are at 1 to 3 feet high, while high ground-mounts start around 6 to 7 feet high. A ground-mounted solar system has the advantage of relatively low installation costs, but the intricate support structure can greatly limit access and agricultural use of the land beneath and between the solar panels.
Only certain low-growing crops that are generally hand-cultivated and harvested (such as lettuce, chard, beets, spinach, and tomatoes) are easily grown beneath fixed solar arrays. Access for farm equipment, however, is reduced to the area between rows and only if the installation is designed accordingly. The space around and under a ground-mounted system can be used as grazing area for livestock, as well. However, grazing is only recommended for smaller animals like sheep and goats, in order to avoid damage to the panels or the supporting structure.
The advantages of fixed ground-mounted systems come from use with low-growing and shade benefitting crops. Benefits are particularly pronounced in regions with hot, dry climates like the American Southwest. Studies have shown that shading from solar panels can maintain and even increase crop yield while reducing water use, an especially welcome option for farms in the areas of the United States where drought is common and water rights are changing.
Elevated Solar Trackers Elevated tracking solar is the newest and arguably most efficient solution for agrisolar due to the unique tracking design and elevated build. Dual-axis solar trackers have a drive core that moves the arrays along both east-west and north-south axes, maximizing the amount of time the panels receive direct sun exposure. Thanks to the ability to follow the sun’s exact location throughout the day, dual-axis solar trackers provide an increase in energy generation of 50% or more compared to fixed solar power systems with the same number and type of panels.
Strawberry field with Stracker dual-axis solar trackers.
With maximized solar power production per panel, a small footprint, robust structure, and continued full use of the grounds, pole-mounted dual-axis solar trackers are also the most adaptable solar energy harvesting option for agrivoltaics. Single pole-elevated solar trackers, like Stracker Solar’s elevated dual-axis solar trackers, maintain full use of the land below the solar installation. These high-efficiency trackers feature a 13.6-foot minimum ground clearance with a mounting base of a mere 5 square feet, allowing easy access for every type of farm equipment. Furthermore, since it takes fewer of these high-efficiency solar trackers to generate the desired amount of energy compared to their fixed counterparts, a smaller area is sufficient for the solar installation. The Stracker elevated dual-axis solar trackers deliver up to 70% more energy production compared to fixed solar power systems of the same size. They provide access to solar energy generation while avoiding the financial drawbacks associated with compromising land use or crop yield.
Conclusion Elevated solar trackers are ideal for agricultural use but all are not created equal. Given the current options for investing in agrisolar, pole-elevated dual-axis solar trackers provide the most flexibility and highest rates of energy generation currently available. These giant mechanical sunflowers maintain full use of the ground underneath the system by accommodating crops and livestock of all types and sizes, including wheat, corn, and cows. Large farm machinery for soil cultivation, crop harvesting, and processing can operate under the panels. Elevated solar trackers make installation on uneven, hilly, or difficult sites a possibility, as well.
Tractor baling hay underneath Stracker tracking system.
However, elevated dual-axis solar trackers vary greatly in design, materials, performance, and durability.
Some dual-axis solar trackers are built using cheaper, and less reliable, aluminum components to reduce costs, while others are built entirely of structural steel. The environmental conditions an installation needs to withstand for 30 or more years while maintaining optimum performance requires a high degree of stability and material strength, both of which are qualities of structural steel.
Material tolerance is another key aspect of solar tracking design that leaves no room for compromise. The build quality of solar trackers is determined by the way different parts of the drive core, as well as the bolts and plates are connected at each step of the way, down to the foundation. With loose connections and weak fittings that could be the result of weaker materials, a tracker could lose its ability to track accurately and perform safely over time.
The most complex, vulnerable, and expensive component of dual-axis solar trackers is the drive core mechanism. Some manufacturers use hydraulic motors and linear actuators, both of which can be the source of a variety of problems. A typical example is hydraulic tank leakage, which makes the tracker stop moving until replaced. These drive systems are often built of galvanized steel and aluminum, though they have plastic components as well, and they don’t meet the structural code requirements of many states. Slew drives are a more durable solution, yet fewer manufacturers use them because they are more expensive and require a higher level of precision to install. Stracker Solar’s elevated solar trackers are built entirely of structural steel and each unit uses two robust electrically driven slew drives for decades of strong performance.
High-quality materials, reliable design, and precision in assembly make a huge difference to the performance and durability of dual-axis solar trackers. But one cannot inspect all the screws and bolts before making a purchase decision. How can one have confidence that the chosen elevated solar tracker will work well in the long run?
That’s where structural warranty comes into the picture.
When calculating return on investment, one needs to consider the accompanying product warranty very carefully. The return on a system with a 10-year warranty is quite different from the return on a system with a 30-year warranty. Since after a 10-year warranty expires, farmers and ranchers will be responsible for the cost of troubleshooting and repairing any structural defects, which can significantly reduce their return over a longer period. Especially when we factor in that manufacturers who only offer a 10-year warranty are likely doing so because they know that their system failure rate beyond 10 years is too high. Stracker Solar is unique in offering a 30-year structural warranty on their elevated dual-axis solar trackers.
Researching available elevated dual-axis solar trackers and other applicable PV systems thoroughly and comparing key features, as well as considering power production data and costs, are very important steps before deciding on an agrivoltaic solution.
As the United States moves towards a zero-carbon future, farms and ranches have the opportunity to become primary sites for community and utility scale solar installations, increasingly supported by funds from the USDA. Elevated solar trackers provide an attractive option for agricultural operations looking towards solar to reduce operating expenses and/or establish a reliable secondary revenue stream.
All photos courtesy of Stracker Solar
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Drone-SW-Stracker-elevated-solar-trackers-at-SOU-farm-web.jpg9001600Anna Adairhttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngAnna Adair2023-02-27 18:29:322023-02-28 19:05:01Elevated Solar Trackers Offer a Compatible and High-efficiency Agrisolar Solution for Farmers and Ranchers
This study addresses the interplay between radiation transmission, crop development and irrigation needs of corn cropping in field conditions, by the description of crop development dynamics, distinguishing between fixed and dynamic panels. Researchers showed that maize crop responded to both independent and combined stresses (shade and water deficit), with a significant decrease in leaf area index, total dry matter and grain yield. Concerning water use, we showed the potential of AV to reduce irrigation inputs via reduced soil water depletion and reference evapotranspiration.
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AgriSolar-Library-.png400600Anna Adairhttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngAnna Adair2023-02-22 19:04:482024-03-20 08:34:08Effects of Shade and Deficit Irrigation on Maize Growth and Development in Fixed and Dynamic Agrivoltaic Systems
In this article, researchers propose 19 directly measurable indicators associated with 16 ecosystem services within three major stocks of natural capital (biodiversity, soil and water) that are most likely to be impacted by the development of solar parks.
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AgriSolar-Library-.png400600Anna Adairhttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngAnna Adair2023-02-22 18:59:152023-08-16 11:14:02Towards a Standardized Protocol to Assess Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services in Solar Parks
In this work, researchers evaluate the effects of wavelength-selective cutoffs of visible and near-infrared (biologically active) radiation using transparent photovoltaic (TVP) absorbers on the growth of three diverse, representative, and economically important crops: petunia, basil, and tomato. The results identify crop-specific design requirements that exist for TPV harvester transmission and the necessity to maximize transmission of photosynthetically active radiation to create the most broadly applicable TPV greenhouse harvesters for diverse crops and geographic locations. They determine that the deployment of 10% power conversion efficiency plant-optimized TPVs over approximately 10% of total agricultural and pastureland in the U.S. would generate 7 TW, nearly double the entire energy demand of the U.S.
This article details Louisiana’s current solar decommissioning regulations and makes suggestions for how to improve the state’s approach to decommissioning solar installations.
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AgriSolar-Library-.png400600Anna Adairhttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngAnna Adair2023-02-22 17:21:062023-02-22 17:21:08When Green Energy Turns Brown: An Examination of the Insufficiencies in Louisiana’s Current Solar Panel Decommissioning
Agrisolar Clearinghouse Hosts Farm to Table Event at Biosphere 2
The AgriSolar Clearinghouse held an AgriSolar Farm to Table event at Biosphere 2 in Tucson, Arizona, last week, in partnership with the GreenBiz23 conference. Similar to the AgriSolar Clearinghouse Follow the Sun field trips, the AgriSolar Farm to Table events bring members of the agrisolar community together to see, touch, taste, and celebrate the delicious foods grown and grazed at solar farms around the country.
Members of the Agrisolar Clearinghouse, partners and a few others pose for a photo.
The AgriSolar Clearinghouse, along with sponsor Enel North America and partners from Biosphere 2, Connexus Energy, NREL, InSPIRE, Jack’s Solar Garden, and Columbia University, networked with attendees while they enjoyed lunch and refreshments prepared by Chefs Erin, Mateo, and Janos. The menu highlighted foods grown and grazed under solar arrays, including honey, beans, lamb, salad greens, potatoes, and saffron. Discussions ensued amongst attendees while Enel awarded Bare Honey solar-grown honey and the highly coveted agrivoltaic Lego sets.
Attendees enjoying a solar-grown lunch with live music.
During the lunch, attendees also enjoyed learning about the Biosphere 2’s agrivoltaic project from Dr. Greg Barren-Gafford and graduate students Kai Lepley, Nesrine Rouini, Alyssa Salazar, and Caleb Ortega. Dr. Barren-Gafford provided a background on Biosphere 2, as well as research conducted at the site and its application to agrivoltaics throughout the country.
Sarah Bendok (right), stands with researcher Nesrine Rouini outside the Biosphere’s agrisolar operation.
Also attending the event was Sarah Bendok, a high-school freshman from Phoenix, Arizonaand founder of Growing Green, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on improving agriculture while simultaneously decreasing negative impacts on the environment. Bendok is planning to create an agrivoltaic site at her local community garden and is participating in the AgriSolar Clearinghouse’s peer-to-peer mentoring program under the guidance of Dr. Barron-Gafford and graduate student Nesrine Rouini in pursuit of obtaining the Girl Scout Gold Award.
Attendees arrive at the event outside Biosphere 2.
Thank you to Dr. Barron-Gafford and the Greg Barron-Gafford Research Group; Jesse Puckett; Enel; Rob Davis; Biosphere 2; University of Arizona; Chefs Erin, Mateo, and Janos; the AgriSolar Clearinghouse team; and all the good people that braved the weather to join our agrisolar community in the celebration.
A happy attendee with some solar-grown refreshments.
University of Arizona Researchers Awarded $1.2 Million to Explore Agrisolar
“Researchers will test three different watering strategies, ranging from intensive irrigation to almost no water, and use the shadows cast by solar panels to provide benefits to the agricultural process. The most heavily watered plot will closely replicate current agricultural practices and include plants with greater water needs, like tomatoes and varieties of lettuce. The second plot will involve watering to establish growth, but much less thereafter, to reintroduce native grasses. The final plot will require little to no watering and include ‘climate smart’ plants that have grown for hundreds, if not thousands, of years in the region: prickly pear, agave, legumes and others.” – University of Arizona
Germany’s Vattenfall Invests in 76-Megawatt Agrisolar Project
“For the first time, Vattenfall will implement this innovative concept of land use on a commercial scale with partners. The aim of the project in Tützpatz is to combine module types on different mounting systems with suitable agricultural uses over an area of 95 ha, and thus gain further practical experience for future commercial projects of this kind. According to current plans, construction at Tützpatz is scheduled to start in early summer 2023.” a– Reve
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/agrisolar-roundup-photo-scaled.jpg25602378A. J. Pucketthttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngA. J. Puckett2023-02-22 17:20:082023-02-28 08:49:22AgriSolar News Roundup: Farm to Table Event at Biosphere 2, UAZ Agrisolar Research, German Agrisolar Pilot Project
Understanding the basis on which stakeholders judge and decide on such innovations is crucial to understanding perception and adoption, especially when the potential value of an innovation is not solely on an individual level but also on a societal level. Researchers combine two theoretical lenses, the innovation diffusion theory for an individual and the social acceptance perspective for a societal lens. Through 27 semi-structured stakeholder interviews, we explore perceptions of agrivoltaics by different stakeholder types in three countries (Germany, Belgium, and Denmark) and different agrivoltaics system designs (vertical, horizontal, and as replacement of cover installations).
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AgriSolar-Library-.png400600Anna Adairhttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngAnna Adair2023-02-22 17:13:562023-02-22 17:13:57Social acceptance of dual land use approaches: Stakeholders’ perceptions of the drivers and barriers confronting agrivoltaics diffusion
Using high-resolution energy and land-use modeling, researchers developed spatially explicit scenarios for reaching an economy-wide net-zero greenhouse gas target in the western United States by 2050. Different levels of land and ocean use protections were applied to determine their effect on siting, environmental and social impacts, and energy costs. Meeting the net-zero target with stronger land and ocean use protections did not significantly alter the share of different energy generation technologies and only increased system costs by 3%, but decreased additional interstate transmission capacity by 20%. Yet, failure to avoid development in areas with high conservation value is likely to result in substantial habitat loss.
https://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AgriSolar-Library-.png400600Anna Adairhttps://www.agrisolarclearinghouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AgriSolar_stacked_1-338x400.pngAnna Adair2023-02-22 17:08:392024-03-13 12:22:28Minimizing habitat conflicts in meeting net-zero energy targets in the western United States
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