This paper explores elements of on-bill financing program design and provides several examples of on-bill products and services. It includes provisions and precautions for equitable programs and describes important financing program design elements.
Tag Archive for: AgriSolar
DOE: Loan Programs Office
This document provides an overview of Title 17 Innovative Energy Projects: Renewable Energy & Efficient Energy. It includes a summary of loan guarantee eligibility criteria, potential project types, and meeting the “innovation” eligibility requirement.
DOE: Loan Programs Office
This document provides an overview of LPO providing borrowers access to capital, flexible financing, and expert project support to help reinvigorate, advance, and transform America’s energy infrastructure. Also discussed is the value of working with LPO, technology interest areas of renewable energy and efficient energy, and an overview of the loan application process.
DOE: Loan Programs Office
This document provides an overview of debt financing to catalyze commercial deployment of new energy technology in the U.S. by demonstrating operational and financial viability. It includes details on lending capacity and eligibility criteria.
This guide’s objective is to help government entities facilitate financing support in the commercial and residential sectors, with a secondary focus on helping state and local governments finance improvements to their own buildings. It includes financing programs for objectives for state and local governments and key elements of financing programs.
This report describes a design for an automated, offshore-fish farm, with solar, wind and hydro power as well as a durable, physical structure. The design discussed in the article includes three separate, self-maintaining energies: tidal, wind, and solar. Also included are descriptions of various offshore aquaculture cages intended for deep-water ocean designs.
This article concerns a dynamic model that simulates the main biochemical processes in a milkfish pond that is subject to floating photovoltaic (FPV) cover. The paper includes a model design description that includes details of variable components of the design, including: water temperature, phytoplankton, dissolved oxygen, fish and other variables. Results of the experiment are included, and include: calibration results, ecological effects, and trade-offs between fish and energy production.
This article concerns floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems, also called floatovoltaics, or aquavoltaics, a rapidly growing emerging technology application in which solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are sited directly on water. Along with providing such benefits as reduced evaporation and algae growth, it can lower PV operating temperatures and potentially reduce the costs of solar energy generation. This article provides the first national-level (United States) estimate of FPV technical potential using a combination of filtered, large-scale datasets, site-specific PV generation models, and geospatial analytical tools. The authors quantify FPV co-benefits and siting considerations, such as land conservation, coincidence with high electricity prices, and evaporation rates. Our results demonstrate the potential of FPV to contribute significantly to the U.S. electric sector, even using conservative assumptions.
This thesis investigates using a flexible crystalline silicon-based FPV module backed with foam, which is less expensive than conventional pontoon-based FPV. This novel form of FPV is tested experimentally for operating temperature and performance and is analyzed for water-savings using an evaporation calculation. The results show that the foam-backed FPV had a lower operating temperature than conventional pontoon-based FPV, and thus a 3.5% higher energy output per unit power. A case study of Lake Mead found that if 10% of the lake was covered with foam-backed FPV, there would be enough water conserved and electricity generated to service Las Vegas and Reno combined. At 50% coverage, the foam-backed FPV would provide over 127 TWh of clean solar electricity and 633.22 million m3 of water savings.
This article reports findings of a simulation performed to assess the potential of floating photovoltaic power generation in the tropical Gavião reservoir, located in the Northeast of Brazil. The payback analysis indicates that the investment for construction of the system is fully recovered in 8 years, and that water losses due to evaporation can be reduced by approximately 2.6 x 106 m³/year, enough to supply roughly 50,000 persons.