This article evaluates several scenarios for optimal integration of hybrid renewable energy systems, including floating and floating-tracking PV systems into a representative shrimp farm in Thailand.
Tag Archive for: AgriSolar
The article concerns a concept known as Wavevoltaics that consists of integrating the photovoltaic (PV) cells over the vacant open-sky surface of wave devices. This article is intended to deliver the conceptual view of modelling this device and a method to estimate the available power potential and to evaluate the performance of Wavevoltaic device.
This Idaho Law Review publication discusses existing policies in many jurisdictions that create unjustifiable obstacles to solar over water development. It uses the ongoing effort to install solar panels above portions of the Central Arizona Project’s canal system as a case study to highlight the significant potential benefits of solar over water development. The article then identifies specific policy changes capable of better facilitating and promoting these innovative and uniquely valuable renewable energy projects.
This article describes floating PV (FPV) plants on water bodies such as a dams, reservoirs, and canals. It also describes hybrid technologies including: FPV + hydro systems, FPV + pumped hydro, FPV + wave energy converter, FPV + solar tree, FPV + tracking, FPV + conventional power, FPV + hydrogen.
The report concerns the photovoltaic geographic potential (PVGP), defined as the fraction of the solar irradiation received on the land available for a photovoltaic facility, and applicability to the analysis of floating photovoltaic (FPV) structures.
This U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office report describes marine and coastal opportunities for which marine energy could fulfill those energy needs. The major finding is that there are more markets with potential than anticipated, both for Power at Sea (including ocean observation and navigation, underwater vehicle charging, marine aquaculture, marine algae, and seawater mining), and Resilient Coastal Communities (including desalination, coastal resiliency and disaster recovery, and community-scale isolated power systems).
In this study, an open-source, after-market distributed manufacturing method is proposed to be applied to large flexible PV modules to make flexible FPV systems. The results of this preliminary study indicate that foam-backed FPV is exceptionally promising and should be further investigated with different foams, larger systems and more diverse deployments for longer periods to increase PV deployments.
This report project describes the design and development of a dedicated GIS toolset to determine the environmental feasibility around the use of floating solar systems in agricultural applications in South Africa.
This article concerns the technical and financial aspects of installing solar PV over water reservoirs, with a pilot study in Spain.
This 2017 article provides and overview of aquavoltaic projects, including solar PV installed over canal tops, water bodies, lakes, dam backwater and reservoirs.