The objective of this study was to determine the effects on grazing cattle under shade from a solar photovoltaic system. Included in the study were weather data as well as biological and behavioral measurements of the cattle. These measurements included fly avoidance and behaviors, fly counts, respiration rates, drinking activity and bouts, eating behavior, rumination and lying time. The study also collected data on use of shade by the cattle and their body temperature(s). The results of this study show that agrivoltaics may provide an acceptable method of heat abatement to pastured dairy cows, among other benefits.
Tag Archive for: Agrivoltaics
The objectives of the thesis were to investigate electrical energy use on dairy farms located in west central Minnesota and to evaluate the effects of shade use by cattle from solar photovoltaic systems. This study concluded that agrivoltaics is one method that producers could use to achieve multiple benefits, including but not limited to: increasing land-use efficiency, reducing grid-tied and fossil fuel-produced electricity use, and increasing consumer acceptance all while providing heat abatement to cattle which has the potential to increase milk production, health, and welfare of dairy cows.
This study presents a conceptual design for a novel agrivoltaic system based on pasture-fed rabbit farming and provides the technical, environmental, and economic analyses to demonstrate the viability of the concept. The analysis includes methods of grazing rabbits, including grazing density, PV maintenance and operations of rabbit-grazed land and pasture-fed rabbit operation components. The study also includes a conceptual design for rabbit-based agrisolar operations.
This study was conducted to compare lamb growth and pasture production under solar panels and in open pastures in Corvallis, Oregon, in spring 2019 and 2020. The study included a core group of thirty-six weaned Polypay lambs on various parts of land used in an agrivoltaic operation. Both livestock farmers and energy companies require information for the application of efficient livestock management practices under solar panels, and this study aims to provide that information for future, potential agrisolar operations.
This publication covers some of the basics of paddock design and current fencing and water technology. Grazing systems, often incorporated into agrivoltaic operations, are economically feasible and now more easily managed due to developments in fencing and water technologies, as this study addresses. The study also discusses forage availability in relation to the application in agrisolar systems.
This study attempts to provide a clear, holistic understanding of how nutrients cycle through pastures and what the producer can do to enhance the processes to create productive, regenerative, and resilient farm and ranch systems. Details of the study include photosynthetic and microbial bridges, soil food web(s), macro-organisms such as dung beetles and earthworms, abiotic soil properties and soil Ph, among others. All of these topics are relevant to concerns and discusses in the agrisolar communities and their operations.
This publication gives an introduction to solar-powered livestock-watering systems, including discussions of cost, components, and terminology, as well as some suggestions for designing and installing these systems. The paper covers strengths and weaknesses of solar-pumping options in remote locations using mechanical windmills, wind turbines, propane and other methods. This publication may prove useful when considering the use of cattle or other livestock along with solar-powered water pumps at remote watering sites, known as a type of agrisolar operation.
This publication discusses the principles and practices of grazing multiple species of livestock on pastures. Here, you’ll find a discourse on the benefits of multi species grazing on productivity and profitability, including its positive impacts on pasture diversity and health. Details related to these benefits include stocking-rate decisions, grazing pigs, planning and monitoring, predators and vegetation management. Familiarity with these topics can be useful in better understanding and developing agrisolar operations that include a variety of livestock.
The Town of Mount Morris commissioned this research to answer questions about the nascent solar-agricultural industry, assess opportunities to attract farmers to the EDF Renewables Morris Ridge Solar Energy Center, and identify viable markets for solar-raised products. The report addresses the current interest of local farmers in grazing sheep and establishing apiaries at Morris Ridge. The study specifically addresses solar grazing concerns, including: budget assumptions, purchase and sale of lambs for grazing, operating expenses, estimated returns and revenues and expenses.
The goal of this study is to assess the environmental impacts of a novel pasture-based agrivoltaic concept: co-farming rabbits and solar PV. The study specifically addresses the life cycle assessments of pasture-based agrivoltaic systems, including the emissions and energy use of integrated rabbit production. These topics are relevant to developing agrisolar operations that include the use of rabbits.