This publication discusses the principles and practices of grazing multiple species of livestock on pastures. Here, you’ll find a discourse on the benefits of multi species grazing on productivity and profitability, including its positive impacts on pasture diversity and health. Details related to these benefits include stocking-rate decisions, grazing pigs, planning and monitoring, predators and vegetation management. Familiarity with these topics can be useful in better understanding and developing agrisolar operations that include a variety of livestock.
Tag Archive for: Agrivoltaics
The Town of Mount Morris commissioned this research to answer questions about the nascent solar-agricultural industry, assess opportunities to attract farmers to the EDF Renewables Morris Ridge Solar Energy Center, and identify viable markets for solar-raised products. The report addresses the current interest of local farmers in grazing sheep and establishing apiaries at Morris Ridge. The study specifically addresses solar grazing concerns, including: budget assumptions, purchase and sale of lambs for grazing, operating expenses, estimated returns and revenues and expenses.
The goal of this study is to assess the environmental impacts of a novel pasture-based agrivoltaic concept: co-farming rabbits and solar PV. The study specifically addresses the life cycle assessments of pasture-based agrivoltaic systems, including the emissions and energy use of integrated rabbit production. These topics are relevant to developing agrisolar operations that include the use of rabbits.
This study was conducted to compare lamb growth and pasture production under solar panels and in open pastures in Corvallis, Oregon in spring 2019 and 2020. The results from this grazing study indicated that grazing under solar panels can maintain higher carrying capacity of pasture toward summer, and land productivity could be increased up to 200% through combining sheep grazing and solar energy production on the same land.
This study was conducted to compare lamb growth and pasture production from solar pastures in agrivoltaic systems and traditional open pastures over 2 years in Oregon. Topics in focus in this study include experimental grazing management, herbage mass, land equivalent ratio and net return of spring grazing. These topics are useful when considering approaches to developing and managing agrisolar operations that include grazing.
This paper examines the current scope of sheep grazing in New York State and the benefits, opportunities, challenges, and barriers to scaling up the sheep industry to graze ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays for vegetation management. The study shows that there are similarities between USSE facilities and those of Distributed Solar Energy’s benefits, opportunities and challenges but that they are modified due to the larger scale of operations of the projects.
This report explores the synergies between farming and solar photovoltaics with the premises that agricultural production on farmland should be maintained and farm profitability and soil health should be improved. The report states that siting solar facilities in Maryland is a major stumbling block to the progress of in-state solar energy generation and finding common ground and possible solutions to issues allows the state to proceed forward in developing agrisolar operations.
This report reveals that increasing the sustainability of food production will require development of new mixed-use technologies. Also discussed is that novel electricity-generating windows (Wavelength-Selective Photovoltaic Systems, WSPVs) are suitable for use in greenhouses for growing plants. Results show minimal lasting effects of growth under WSPVs on plant physiology and development, thus WSPVs represent a new wedge for decarbonizing the food system.
This AgriSolar Best Practices Guide is intended to assist farmers, PV developers, regulators, and other stakeholders in developing high quality Agrisolar projects. The guide provides Best Practices for Agri-PV systems, PV on agricultural buildings, and open-field applications. Also included in this guide are discussions of trends and innovations in the AgriSolar community. This guide defines the key actions required of all parties involved in project development to maximize the sustainability of Agrisolar projects, from an agronomical, ecological, and financial perspective.
This study assessed the climate conditions inside a greenhouse in which 50% of the roof area was replaced with photovoltaic (PV) modules, describing the solar radiation distribution and the variability of temperature and humidity. The distribution of the solar radiation observed in this study is useful for choosing the most suitable crops and for designing PV greenhouses with the attitude for both energy and crop production. The study also includes suggestions for a better agronomic sustainability of agrivoltaic systems.