
Here are a few AgriSolar terms that we'd like help defining (and differentiating) in a dictionary of AgriSolar terms:

1. Co-location
2. Agrivoltaics
3. Dual Use
3. Solar Grazing
4. Pollinator friendly

What terms would you like defined in an AgriSolar dictionary?
That's a good one Stacie, For Starters I would say its a vertical solar panel set in a modular fence design that uses bifacial solar panels. Since the bi facial's gather energy from both east and west sides to actual gather 30% more power without any moving parts , snow removal problems and bird splash are nothing because they are vertical, this fits the criteria of a farmer, all power no work and lasts a lifetime.
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New term; Solar Powered Agriculture is ( SpAg ) how you define it is the percentage of off-grid electric to run a farm like a all electric dairy farm.100% of every tool, electric circuit, and farming equipment is electric, Top TEN Electric Tractor .pdf right down to the pickup or car and tractor.


Here are a few AgriSolar terms that we'd like help defining (and differentiating) in a dictionary of AgriSolar terms:

1. Co-location
2. Agrivoltaics
3. Dual Use
3. Solar Grazing
4. Pollinator friendly

What terms would you like defined in an AgriSolar dictionary?
ALL of the above.
But in this article there may be one more term. Even though the use of Solar Panel to shade former agriculture land from drying a critical aspect of learning how to live in the drying South West US.

Maybe we can discuss this article on here too. The word to add is: “crustivoltaics.” It is explained in this article:

Solar can promote biocrust formation in deserts​

Biocrusts are microbe-rich deposits in soil that are crucial to ecosystem sustainability in arid environments. US researchers are restoring biocrusts with the help of shade from solar.

ALL of the above.
But in this article there may be one more term. Even though the use of Solar Panel to shade former agriculture land from drying a critical aspect of learning how to live in the drying South West US.

Maybe we can discuss this article on here too. The word to add is: “crustivoltaics.” It is explained in this article:

Solar can promote biocrust formation in deserts​

Biocrusts are microbe-rich deposits in soil that are crucial to ecosystem sustainability in arid environments. US researchers are restoring biocrusts with the help of shade from solar.

I saw this article and study! This is great.