Search results

  1. staciepeterson

    Invenergy positions in Denver and Chicago - Associate -Denver, CO -...
  2. staciepeterson

    USDA NIFA Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase II

    The Small Business Administration (SBA), through the SBIR/STTR Policy Directive, provides policy guidance for these programs. A main purpose of the legislation is to stimulate technological innovation and increase private sector commercialization among small business concerns and enable them to...
  3. staciepeterson

    $7M in Funding for Social Science of Large-Scale Solar Siting

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) announced the Solar Energy Evolution and Diffusion Studies 4 (SEEDS 4) funding opportunity, which will award up to $7 million for social science research that generates actionable insights that can improve large-scale...
  4. staciepeterson

    Agrivoltaics job in New Mexico, Research Mechanical Engineer/Electrical Engineer/Agricultural Engineer/Physicist This position is with the Cotton Ginning Research Unit in Las Cruces, NM. Duties Perform leading applied research to design and develop optimized agrivoltaic installations for simultaneous renewable power generation and agricultural production, cotton...
  5. staciepeterson

    Offering design and engineering services

    This is great, Paul. We can't recommend one company over another but it is great to know that you do this work and can connect with folks. Do you have one area of the company that you work with, specifically?
  6. staciepeterson

    AGRIVOLTAICS 2023 Conference in Athens, Greece

    Hi Julia, I think it would be best if you contact the conference organizers to ask if this is possible. Here is their website: ( . There is also an agrivoltaics conference next June in the United States you should watch for. I haven't seen a call for...
  7. staciepeterson

    DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) released $36 million funding opportunity for Advancing U.S. Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaics

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) released the Advancing U.S. Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaics funding opportunity, which will award $36 million for research, development, and demonstration projects on two major thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technologies...
  8. staciepeterson

    AGRIVOLTAICS 2023 Conference in Athens, Greece

    AGRIVOLTAICS 2023 ( will take place on 30 October- 1 November 2023 at the Divani Caravel Hotel Athens, Greece, and will run in parallel together with the 13th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE23)...
  9. staciepeterson

    Grant funding for Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) Program.

    It is grea It is great to post here, thanks, Joe!
  10. staciepeterson

    The Silicon Solar Manufacturing and Dual-use Photovoltaics Incubator funding opportunity

    The Silicon Solar Manufacturing and Dual-use Photovoltaics Incubator funding opportunity will: Fund up to 12 projects to help establish a network of manufacturers across the domestic solar supply chain focused on polysilicon production, silicon ingots and wafers, solar cells, glass and other...
  11. staciepeterson

    Milkweed Plugs Available from Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund

    Milkweed Plug Enhancement Application Form VERY limited quantities available. They expect to sell out quickly. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Important Details: You MUST reside in one of the following states: IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI...
  12. staciepeterson

    Mentors wanted for our Peer-to-Peer mentor program

    Thanks, Elanor. I'd love to hear more about your agrivoltaic project in Utah. We wuld be happy to highight it as a case study in our AgriSolar Atlas.
  13. staciepeterson

    Small Innovative Projects in Solar (SIPS): Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power and Photovoltaics

    There is usually a teaming partner list that you can join, Joe. If you look at the funding opportunity, there is usually a place where you can list yourself as a potential teaming partner and state this.
  14. staciepeterson

    American Lamb Board Director of Sustainability Programs - includes solar grazing

    Position Announcement American Lamb Board Director of Sustainability Programs Background and Job Summary Sustainability has become a top priority for the American Lamb Board (ALB). Several new projects have been recently funded and more are in the works to promote the sheep industry’s commitment...
  15. staciepeterson

    USDA Technical Assistance for Energy, hiring team expressed interest in agrivoltaics

    tps:// Duties Reviews and analyzes preapplications, applications and all supporting documents to determine loan or grant eligibility and inputs data into appropriate automated database system. Prepares written loan/grant recommendations and submits to supervisor...
  16. staciepeterson

    The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) announced today its intention to conduct two new procurements f DEEP Announces Two Clean Energy Procurements DEEP Plans to Conduct Procurements for Offshore Wind Power and Other Zero Carbon Energy in Furtherance of State’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions...
  17. staciepeterson

    $150,000 is also available for agrivoltaic projects in Colorado. CDA welcomes proposals advancing agrivoltaic ingenuity Colorado.

    The ACRE3 (Advancing Colorado’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) program is seeking applicants on a rolling basis. The program provides financial and technical assistance and education to help agricultural producers and processors cut energy costs, develop their own energy resources, and...
  18. staciepeterson

    Pollinator Habitat Grants from National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)

    With major support from Toyota Motor North America, the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is excited to announce $200,000 in grant funding to support shovel-ready pollinator habitat enhancement projects on America’s public lands. More here...